The independent bookstore and resource centre Spartacus Books in Vancouver will be carrying My Opportunity and Help Book BC - Vancouver Edition 2017 as of February 14, 2017. They are located just off Commercial Drive. Be sure to check out their large selection of books on social justice, activism, critical-thinking, and more. They have been a collectively run volunteer bookstore offering books, media, events and opportunities for 40 years in Vancouver despite many dramatic set-backs and challenges.
My Opportunity and Help Book BC - Vancouver Edition 2017 is now available. Discover life-changing community resources, new opportunities... or help with life's challenges. Organized by topic, the 1000+ listings cover every aspect of important community and government resources on a national, provincial and local level. Also included are bonus sections: a lost your ID checklist, moving checklist, fraud prevention tips, self-advocacy tips, information for visitors and more. Check here for locations where it is available.
The Vancouver Edition of My Help Book BC (My Opportunity & Help Book) will be published in December 2016 and available in January 2017. In it you will discover key community resources in 1000+ listings (organized by topic) that cover every aspect of important community and government resources at the national, provincial and local level. Extra articles and checklists include: What to do if you’ve lost your ID, a moving checklist, fraud prevention tips, self-advocacy tips & more. Customize your copy: add emergency numbers page 5, important dates page 75, and use the blank lined end pages for additional personal entries.
Check back in January 2017 to find where to get a free copy or purchase a copy. Online or app version coming soon. Here is the Table of Contents (much information from My Help Book is also posted in the blog section of this website): EMERGENCIES 6 CRISIS LINES 7 ANTI-BULLYING 7 NON-EMERGENCY POLICE 7 VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE 8 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 9 PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT 10 HEALTH 11 Info Lines & Support Groups 12 Health Rights 15 Mental Health 16 Addictions & Harm Reduction 18 Dental Health 19 Sexual & Reproductive Health 20 End of Life and Bereavement 21 HOUSING 22 LEGAL 23 Power of Attorney & Trustee 24 Legal Information 25 Community Advocates 26 Human Rights 27 Civil Liberties 28 Corrections & Prisons 29 CONSUMER INFO & RIGHTS 30 DEBT & BANKRUPTCY & Insolvency 31 SMALL BUSINESS 32 EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING 33 Employment Rights & Unions 34 Restaurant Workers’ Health & Safety 35 UNEMPLOYMENT & WELFARE 36 VOLUNTEERING 37 EDUCATION 38 MUNICIPAL & COMMUNITY 40 ABORIGINAL / FIRST NATIONS / MÉTIS 41 DISABILITY 44 Disability Rights 46 FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN 47 CAREGIVERS 48 NEWCOMERS / MULTICULTURAL 49 SENIORS / ELDERS 50 WOMEN / MEN / LGBTQ 52 YOUTH 53 FOOD & FARMING 55 UTILITIES 57 RECYCLING & COMPOST 58 SAFETY INFO & TRAINING 59 Natural Gas Safety 59 Carbon Monoxide Safety 60 TRANSPORTATION 61 Collision Checklist 63 TOURISTS & TRAVEL 64 SPORTS OPPORTUNITIES 65 ANIMALS 66 FRAUD PREVENTION TIPS 67 LOST OR STOLEN ID CHECKLIST 69 MOVING CHECKLIST 70 SELF-ADVOCACY TIPS 72 SELF-ADVOCACY LETTERS 73 OTHER RESOURCE GUIDES 74 UPSTREAM RESOURCES 74 BC STATUTORY HOLIDAYS 75 Big thanks to the Peninsula News Review (Sidney BC, Canada) for covering the release of the newest edition of My Help Book BC - Victoria Edition 2016 in their paper published Friday February 12, 2016.
The article mentions the problem of the digital divide; a (MHB) blog post on the topic provides additional information and links to data from Stats Canada. Here are locations where My Help Book is available for sale. There have also been several hundred copies distributed for free in the community. While the price is about the same as a cup of coffee ($2.50) there are also bulk discounts available. The e-Edition of the Peninsula News Review is available here. My Help Book BC - Victoria Edition 2016 is now available at new locations including Sidney, Downtown Victoria, Quadra and Hillside and Esquimalt. Find more details here. Numerous promotional copies have also been distributed in the Greater Victoria area.
Just published! A new, updated and expanded My Help Book BC - Victoria Edition 2016 is now available. The format is wider than the 2014 edition, with a bigger font, heavier paper and expanded from 60 to 88 pages with extra blank pages at the end for personalized notes. My Help Book BC follows in the footsteps of almanacs but with a focus on helping people find community resources for life problems and opportunities. There are also bonus sections on self-advocacy, checklists for moving, what to do if you have lost your ID and fraud prevention tips. (Read full Table of Contents here).
Copies of My Help Book BC - Victoria Edition 2016 are currently available for sale ($2.50) at Tanner's Books in Sidney and Gorgeous Coffee in Victoria. Check here to find updates to distribution locations and where to find free promotional copies. ![]() The first edition of My Help Book for Victoria and Vancouver is finally completed after two years of research, interviews, edits and updates. It was a seed of an idea that sprouted from the decades-long work of the publisher/author who has been involved in various capacities with helping organizations in Vancouver and Victoria since 1988: from neighbourhood houses, parenting and home learning groups, to women's groups, mental health, harm reduction, housing, anti-poverty, anti-racism, popular theatre and economic justice causes. In addition, having a big family with both young children and elders, gave ample experience in learning where to find appropriate help when it was needed. Noticing there were many smaller guide books for specific helping topics and some large very detailed guides (the Red Book in Vancouver and the Bridges and Newcomer guides in Victoria), the publisher decided that an all-in-one mini-directory limited to key resources would be a quick and useful publishing project to undertake. Having had ample prior experience making practical mini help booklets on various topics for various groups, work began on My Help Book in the fall of 2010 with the idea that it could quickly be completed in a couple of months. However, two months turned into two very long and detail-absorbed years. Finally after hundreds of hours of research, editing, getting feedback and lots of encouragement, and then doing ever more editing, the first edition of My Help Book was born on November 1st 2013. One of the goals of small independent publisher, is to create low-cost publications on practical topics. Thus the price for My Help Book is $5 and many options for bulk discounts are available. Sponsors will also be sought in order to make some free copies available to non-profit organizations. This is the second publication of 3 Penny Publishing. The first publication was a child-written children's book set in various parks in Victoria BC called Billy, Cuddles and Funny Bunny Adventure in Victoria. It is available from the publisher and at the Royal BC Museum gift shop. |
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December 2020